Do a song about coming to terms with spider man 2 pizza theme
Do a song about coming to terms with spider man 2 pizza theme
you're joking but my brother has run spiderman 2 pizza theme so hard into the ground that it's just an accepted bit so i could probably write a song about coming to terms with recurring jokes
this song sounds like the sailor
i have good news for you
this shit sound like squid's game
the vocal samples really bring this down a lot, everything else in the track is fine except for them and they probably could've been done a lot better
issa cymatics sample pls dont judge me ok
where's suck my dick very nice
up your ass
i hear a sample from stardust speedway bad future
Yep, sampled three other songs as well, if curious:
Swans - Bring the Sun/Toussaint L'Ouverture
Iron Butterfly - In A Gadda Da Vida
The Quick Brown Fox - 晴天の霹靂
imo this is your best
Please do not call me RainingHotDogs. I go by Jenny.
Joined on 8/18/12